Genres Not Included?

Genres Not Included is the brainchild of Joe Nelson and Eva Newcastle. We are two authors whose preferred genres should, in theory, never mesh. Pulp Fiction meets Magical Realism? How is that supposed to work? We make it happen. And now you’re in on the secret jam.

Join us each and every Friday night for an exclusive front-row seat to the best typewriter improv on the planet. Yes! This is an experiment in short form improvisational storytelling.

Here Are the Rules:

Okay, so the rules are self-imposed. The rules are guidelines, but limiting ourselves to 140 characters is a challenge we stick with. We take turns with the intro. Neither has any idea what the other has in mind. We have five tweets each to draft a little flash fiction action without a game plan. This improv is raw and unedited, so don’t expect perfection. That’s the point. We’re pushing each other’s limits and hope you readers enjoy the process.

You can read the original Twitter threads here. We have plans to expand on the stories, too, so sign up for our newsletter.

It’s rough. It’s dirty. And it’s awesome.

About the Authors

Joe Nelson is an avid reader of pulp fiction and author who found few outlets to publish his action and adventure fiction. Growing frustrated with the barren landscape, he decided to publish his own work. Thus, Point of Impact was born.

Point of Impact Books
Eva Newcastle

Eva Newcastle is a classically trained musician with a background in design and film. A Chicago native, she has a natural affinity for Magical Realism and Surrealist Fiction and currently resides in rural America with a curious assortment of guitar picks and pens. One day soon she may board a merchant vessel and set sail for exotic ports of call. Have typewriter, will travel.